United States American Bulldog Club Member Clubs
The United States American Bulldog Club is an organization of clubs and individual members. Members of USABC do not have to be club affiliated. Clubs will be considered in a probationary period until all requirements are met and approved. Final approval will be by majority vote from the USABC Board of Directors (BOD). The Board of Directors will only call for a vote on individual clubs for full membership AFTER the following actions have occurred:
forming club bylaws have been submitted
forming club list of Board of Directors has been submitted
completed member club application form has been submitted
first years annual dues have been paid
a visit to the club by a member of the USABC Board of Directors paid for by the member club (unless waived by a BOD vote)
USABC clubs consist of minimally 3 individual full members of USABC who will appoint a Training Director and a Board of Directors:
Full Membership clubs can host USABC sanctioned trials and events and will be responsible for all trial paperwork, thereby making preregistration unnecessary (in other words, preregistration will only be required if the club requires it). Award certificates earned shall be signed by the club secretary and presiding judge and be presented along with return of scorebooks at the end of the trial. USABC clubs may charge entrants a fee for trialing their dog at a USABC sanctioned trial. USABC clubs shall keep that fee of which only $5.00 per entrant shall be forwarded to USABC for recording costs. USABC club helpers may apply for USABC certification (see helpers page on this site).